Founder Corinna

New perspectives,
clear communication

Friend of clear, friendly words

With 15 years of technical and leadership at logistics service provider Dachser, and a suitcase full of professional and personal experience in cities like Nice, Quito, Mumbai or Singapore, I started working self-employed under the name CS Marketing & Sales Solutions. Born in the tranquil town of Baden-Baden in the south of Germany, I arrived in my adopted city of Hamburg in 2020 after having taken many detours. On the long journey I have learned: I feel most comfortable when I am on the move. I love change and fresh wind. New surroundings with inspiring people are a magical attraction for me. My constant desire for change and variety is driving me to continuously innovate communication for technological companies and service providers.


Lived and worked on three continents

Professional experience in the international arena and a cosmopolitan spirit are the basis for my global operations. Projects and assignments have taken me to France, Cuba, Peru, Hong Kong and India, among others. I speak German, English, Spanish and French, and a little bit of Russian and Cantonese. My interest in other cultures, values and ways of thinking is closely interwoven with my work.

This way I not only learn continuously to understand other people’s perspective; I also know the challenges of culture shock, both when settling into a foreign culture and back home.

Who wants to lead,
must talk

Companion of people

Right from the beginning of my career, it was clear to me: I want to lead teams and take on big tasks. Because I like to bear responsibility and I like to accompany people in their development. It also became clear to me: Nobody is born as a boss. That is why I have developed my leadership skills and own communication competence step by step through training, coaching and mentoring. Both as a manager in Germany, Hong Kong and India and as a project manager, I learned practically.

And I observed over and over again: For leaders, it is about much more than their own performance, which has made them the leader. It is about understanding the needs of each individual in the team and addressing them. Easier said than done. That is why I accompany managers and project managers in their own continuous development.

Contact us

If you would like to get in touch with us, please feel free to send us an e-mail to  or discover us on LinkedIn.